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We Are a Subculture and We Need to Act Like It!

Western civilization is fragmenting. I started saying, 'America is headed for a divorce and Europe is not far behind' around the turn of the millennium. At the time it was not controversial it was considered crazy. Now, I hear people talk about the 'divorce'. In my upcoming book, 'The Polymathican Subculture', I discuss how Western civilization will fragment into a Pareto distribution of subcultures. Polymathica, I advocate, will be one of them.

Let's face it. Americans are obviously completely ignorant. I'm not sure that Europeans are any better and, if so, only by a smidgen. Erudition, the central value of Polymathica, is nearly dead as a cultural value. People go to school to get the best career they can and then the vast majority of them learn nearly nothing. It isn't universal, however. There is a market for some Youtube lectures. Non-fiction books, while not widely distributed, do have market.

Why is this important? Because the Western elites rely upon ignorance to stay in power and to forward their agendas. Erudition is their enemy. COVID-19 is a good example. The policies rely upon ignorance of epidemiology, virology, etc. Anyone with the requisite knowledge knows that they are being lied to. Is it a noble lie? I honestly don't know.

Simply put, we are not like other people. I read about 50 text books per year until I was 40. Then I began to shift to an equivalent amount of peer reviewed articles. I still do that at age 71. Learning is and always has been at the core of my lifestyle.

OK, I am definitely an extreme example, I know. However, Polymathicans are lifelong learners, even if that only means 5 hours per week. That is still 4 1/2 to 5 hours per week more than the non-Polymathicans. So, do not discount the significance of your knowledge base.

You may have noticed. It is becoming progressively more difficult to not choose sides. Over the next five years it will become nearly impossible to remain neutral. If neither the Left or Right and the demagoguery that they both peddle appeals to you, you need to make sure that Polymathica is a meaningful option.

What do I mean by that? Many in the Enterprise Conservative movement is appealing to its members to create a parallel economy. That means more than social platforms. That means alternative e-mail providers, payment processors, book publishers, etc. We need that, too. We start with one social platform in Polymaths.Locals.com, but we need to have all the rest, as well.

So, do your part to make this happen. At a minimum, share the articles on Polymaths.Locals.com and if you are serious about this encourage others who are not ignorant to subscribe. Right now, we have 69 subscribers an we need at LEAST 10,000X that. I know that sounds daunting, but viral posts can get that done relatively quickly.

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September 16, 2024

Hi all, I live in Canada. And the article " The Inappropriately Excluded " is really something that deeply resonates with me, and has helped make sense of my life. That I've been going back to it for years as a reference. But today found out there is this meetup group. Excellent stuff!
So I'm wondering what are people's interests here?
I like transition planning, and how we'll get through the end of oil,
archival of important documents, talking to international advisors and politicians about it. Also run several businesses. And do a lot of religious stuff,
cause that's best way of connecting with the uh IQ challenged majority in terms they can understand. So for that I run anabaptist.ca and got like outreach for all sorts of faiths, like humanism, islam, communists, chinese, hindus, christians etc: https://anabaptist.ca/dyet/

September 20, 2023

Hi! Just joined. I discovered this group through the Inappropriatelt Excluded article and it hit home. Looks very interesting :)

Move to Canada? Why?

After Dobbs v Jackson, people are saying they want to move to Canada? Why? There is no part of Canada that allows abortion after 23 weeks. And, of course, nowhere in Europe are abortions legal after 24 weeks. So, if one really feels that access abortion is so important, the best thing to do is move to California. It has the most Progressive abortion laws pretty much anywhere, save China, North Korea, and Vietnam. Honestly, if this is your thing, then you should move to California. Whatever state you are in, they will celebrate your departure.

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