I have been saying, 'America is headed for a divorce and Europe is not far behind'. When I first said it, back in the 1990s, it was radical. Now...not so much. Clearly, the cultural norms on the West Coast are nothing like what is found in, say, Wyoming. However, now, a pundit with a 7 figure audience is imploring cultural conservatives to leave 'blue states' and migrate to 'red states'. Of course, with or without his exhortations, this is happening. As the previous pundit states, there is good evidence that the population that is leaving California and New York and moving to Texas, Florida and Tennessee are very conservative.
Right now, most states are actually not red or blue, but rather purple. The democratic process makes a 4% or more difference in party affiliation a 'red' state or 'blue' state. However, if people keep moving by color, the differences will become overwhelming and the states will begin enacting laws in direct contradiction of Federal laws. The West Coast is ignoring everything from immigration to drug laws. It is just beginning but the Red states are beginning to ignore federal drug laws (different ones), education edicts, and voting laws.
The mainstream media will mostly ignore this trend and demonize it when they don't. However, it is progressing, just the same.
Hi all, I live in Canada. And the article " The Inappropriately Excluded " is really something that deeply resonates with me, and has helped make sense of my life. That I've been going back to it for years as a reference. But today found out there is this meetup group. Excellent stuff!
So I'm wondering what are people's interests here?
I like transition planning, and how we'll get through the end of oil,
archival of important documents, talking to international advisors and politicians about it. Also run several businesses. And do a lot of religious stuff,
cause that's best way of connecting with the uh IQ challenged majority in terms they can understand. So for that I run anabaptist.ca and got like outreach for all sorts of faiths, like humanism, islam, communists, chinese, hindus, christians etc: https://anabaptist.ca/dyet/
Hi! Just joined. I discovered this group through the Inappropriatelt Excluded article and it hit home. Looks very interesting :)
After Dobbs v Jackson, people are saying they want to move to Canada? Why? There is no part of Canada that allows abortion after 23 weeks. And, of course, nowhere in Europe are abortions legal after 24 weeks. So, if one really feels that access abortion is so important, the best thing to do is move to California. It has the most Progressive abortion laws pretty much anywhere, save China, North Korea, and Vietnam. Honestly, if this is your thing, then you should move to California. Whatever state you are in, they will celebrate your departure.