"A radical GOP faction, in open alliance with extremists, is seizing power and targeting its opponents with cruelty. Some wonder: Is it time to leave?"
We are fully aware that conservatives, especially successful ones, are fleeing the Liberal regions of the U.S., primarily California and New York. However, as the Conservative social vision strengthens in regions such as Texas, Tennessee and Florida, Liberals are at least thinking about leaving.
This increasing division between Liberal and Conservative U.S. through migration will, if it catches on, accelerate the processes that eventually lead to a fracturing of the country.
The same process, albeit more slowly, is taking place in Europe. However, it has functions of ethnic and class distinctions that will give it its own distinct flavor. Also, being flooded with Middle East Muslims is fundamentally different from being flooded with South and Central Americans.
One should not allow oneself to be oblivious to this trend.
Hi all, I live in Canada. And the article " The Inappropriately Excluded " is really something that deeply resonates with me, and has helped make sense of my life. That I've been going back to it for years as a reference. But today found out there is this meetup group. Excellent stuff!
So I'm wondering what are people's interests here?
I like transition planning, and how we'll get through the end of oil,
archival of important documents, talking to international advisors and politicians about it. Also run several businesses. And do a lot of religious stuff,
cause that's best way of connecting with the uh IQ challenged majority in terms they can understand. So for that I run anabaptist.ca and got like outreach for all sorts of faiths, like humanism, islam, communists, chinese, hindus, christians etc: https://anabaptist.ca/dyet/
Hi! Just joined. I discovered this group through the Inappropriatelt Excluded article and it hit home. Looks very interesting :)
After Dobbs v Jackson, people are saying they want to move to Canada? Why? There is no part of Canada that allows abortion after 23 weeks. And, of course, nowhere in Europe are abortions legal after 24 weeks. So, if one really feels that access abortion is so important, the best thing to do is move to California. It has the most Progressive abortion laws pretty much anywhere, save China, North Korea, and Vietnam. Honestly, if this is your thing, then you should move to California. Whatever state you are in, they will celebrate your departure.