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The Divorce is getting much more real

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has taken to calling it 'The Free State of Florida'. Floridians are taking up the term. From COVID to immigration to 2nd Amendment rights, Florida is simply ignoring Federal regulations. Since the Federal government stopped building a wall, the State of Texas is building one. Many of the border states have announced that unauthorized residents found in their states will be shipped to Delaware or Washington D.C. The threat is likely impractical, but it accentuates the degree to which many 'Red States' are fed up with a Federal government with which they don't agree.

Right now, many 'Red States' are having uprisings against local school boards, election officials, etc. that are likely to escalate to the point where the Federal government will attempt to step in. However, it is highly likely that the 'MAGA' Republicans will take back both chambers of Congress and attempt to thwart attempts by the Executive Branch to interfere with the actions of States. In other words, this seems to be coming to a head.

The first round will likely be for battle lines to be drawn between those advocating for secession and those advocating for a Constitutional Convention designed to limit Federal interference in States rights. At this point, it is impossible to tell which side will win and I'm not sure that it makes much difference. Why? Because if the U.S. breaks up into four or five separate countries, they will find it necessary and advisable to enter into a number of treaties similar to what the EU has done. So, something closer to what the majority of the framers of the U.S. Constitution envisioned will prevail.

One of the trends that will increase the likelihood of a New American Order is that Conservatives are moving to Red States and, more subdued, Liberals are moving to Blue States. Many of the Southern States have populations that are already rather close to favoring secession. These demographic shifts quite easily could throw the balance that direction.

At the same time, mostly Pacific coast States are becoming frustrated by the Federal government because it is not Progressive enough. Primarily in the Pacific Northwest, there is a growing secessionist movement centered around the idea of Cascadia. In some scenarios, it will include much of California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and even reach into British Columbia. It would be comparable to France, as an independent country.

So, the notion of breaking up the U.S. is gaining support in the U.S. The rest of the world has not expressed much of an opinion on the matter, but as it solidifies as a possible outcome, most of the world will be in favor. Eventually, in order to counteract a growing China and its alliance with the Arab world, EUNA needs to become more central to the identity of 'Liberal Democracies'. One of the greatest impediments to that is the fear that the U.S. dominance will be even greater. If the U.S. approximately breaks into 5 France/U.K.com/Italy sized nations, concerns about that will diminish. This is especially true, because those nations will be even more diverse, politically and culturally, than Europe.

I've been talking about this divorce since the mid-1990s. At first, it was considered nutty, but not so much now. The renaming of Florida to 'The Free State of Florida' may seem to be too symbolic to be of much importance. However, I can't help the feeling that this is America crossing the Rubicon.

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September 16, 2024

Hi all, I live in Canada. And the article " The Inappropriately Excluded " is really something that deeply resonates with me, and has helped make sense of my life. That I've been going back to it for years as a reference. But today found out there is this meetup group. Excellent stuff!
So I'm wondering what are people's interests here?
I like transition planning, and how we'll get through the end of oil,
archival of important documents, talking to international advisors and politicians about it. Also run several businesses. And do a lot of religious stuff,
cause that's best way of connecting with the uh IQ challenged majority in terms they can understand. So for that I run anabaptist.ca and got like outreach for all sorts of faiths, like humanism, islam, communists, chinese, hindus, christians etc: https://anabaptist.ca/dyet/

September 20, 2023

Hi! Just joined. I discovered this group through the Inappropriatelt Excluded article and it hit home. Looks very interesting :)

Move to Canada? Why?

After Dobbs v Jackson, people are saying they want to move to Canada? Why? There is no part of Canada that allows abortion after 23 weeks. And, of course, nowhere in Europe are abortions legal after 24 weeks. So, if one really feels that access abortion is so important, the best thing to do is move to California. It has the most Progressive abortion laws pretty much anywhere, save China, North Korea, and Vietnam. Honestly, if this is your thing, then you should move to California. Whatever state you are in, they will celebrate your departure.

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